Book Review Policy

I want to start off by saying that this is a hobby for me and I take it very seriously.  Although my professional background does not support reading and reviewing (B.A. in Anthropology minor in Biology, now I'm a a Social Worker).  I have been an avid reader since around my freshman year of high school.  I credit Julie Garwood and Jude Deveraux with my early devouring of books.  I spent many classes with a historical romance hidden by a textbook.  I would walk home from school with my nose in a book --- not once did I run into anything or anyone.  After a time, I began reading fantasy novels.  Eventually the two interests combined to result in my now favorite genre, Urban Fantasy.  Most Urban Fantasy has at least a hint --- and sometimes more --- of romance and quenches my thirst for a HEA.
Thank you for your interest in having your book reviewed on The Reader's Edge.  I am currently accepting books for review from authors, publishers, and publicists.

Books I am currently accepting for review:
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Paranormal Romance
  • Contemporary Romance
  • Romantic Suspense
  • Some Young Adult (cannot be in high school, I find the maturity of the relationships do not generally appeal to me)
  • Chick Lit
  • Romantic Comedy
  • Basically, if it has a romantic element, I will read it.
  • You can check out what I like to read at Goodreads
If any of the above books fall into any genre below, I will not accept it for review.  For example, if you have an urban fantasy novel without the slightest inkling of a romantic interest, I will not accept it for review.

Books I am NOT accepting for review:
  • Non-Fiction
  • Young Adult (in High School)
  • Poetry
  • Graphic Novels
  • Manga
  • Gay/Lesbian Fiction (this is not a reflection of how I feel about gay/lesbian relationships, I like men and like reading about the girl getting the guy)
I DO NOT read series books out of order! If you would like me to read a series book that is not the first book in the series (and I have not already read it), please expect to provide copies of the previous books to read first.

Please do not send me your pitch and ask me to purchase your book.

Review Requests:
If your book falls into one of the above categories, please email me first with information about yourself and the book you would like me to review. Let me know if your book is self-published. I must read a sample (like a first chapter) of your work before I can decide to review your book. I will let you know if and when I can review your book within three days. As of now, I can usually get a book read and reviewed within a month.

If I accept your novel for review, it does not guarantee that I will post a review. Please know I will give an honest review of every book I read. If after reading your book, I find it to be the quality of 2.5 stars and under, I will send you a courtesy email informing you of this. It will then be up to you on whether you still want me to post a review. But if your book earns 3 stars and up, a review will be posted once I finish the book, and I will inform you within the same hour of posting.

About my Review Posts:
Included in my review posts are:  book cover art, link to author information, link to purchasing it on Amazon (if not available on Amazon, then a link to where it is available), my personal review with my personal star rating.

Cross-Posting of Reviews:
I typically cross-post my reviews on Goodreads and Amazon.  If you would like your review posted elsewhere, let me know and I will do my best to accommodate your request.

I prefer to receive your book in e-book format, if at all possible. I have a Kindle, so please be sure that your book comes in a format that is compatible with the Kindle or easily converted to the appropriate format.

I DO NOT share the free books with anyone.  Once I have read the book, I delete it from the device.  If an actual book is provided, with the authors permission, I may host a Giveaway on my blog (after it is read and reviewed).  Not only does this promote the blog, but it will also promote the book.

FTC Disclosure:
In accordance with new FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that many of the books I review on my site are purchased by me for my personal enjoyment or are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book.  I do not receive money for such reviews.  The books are sent to me for an honest review.  I will make known in such reviews if I received the book for free.  If you have any questions, please contact me. 

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