Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Stephanie Plum 19 Publication Date Announced

I struggled with whether or not I should post this.  As from my Explosive Eighteen review, I have become more and more disappointed with this series.  I talked myself into posting it because I told myself, not everyone feels the series is tired and overdone.  With that being said, Notorious Nineteen is due to be released November 20, 2012.  I will be one of the lemmings buying the book with the hope it will eventually get better.

Monday, May 28, 2012

ARC Review: Can't Hurry Love

Can't Hurry Love
Can't Hurry Love by Molly O'Keefe

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In CAN'T HURRY LOVE, Victoria's husband Joel committed suicide after being caught running a ponzi scheme. Thrust out of her posh life in New York City, she begins the steps to start anew. Victoria asks her brother, Luc, if she can run the ranch left to him by their father until it is out of escrow and she can purchase it for herself and her son. She had never really felt she had accomplished much besides having a wonderful son who is now 7 years old. Eli, the ranch foreman, had been planning to buy the ranch from Luc, but his plans are thwarted by Victoria's desire to buy the ranch. He decides he has to run her off if he is to have a chance to own the ranch his family has worked for the past three generations.

I wasn't sure what to expect from CAN'T HURRY LOVE. I had read the blurb and it had piqued my interest. It was reminiscent of a modern day Romeo and Juliet/The Hatfield vs. The McCoy's. In this case it was the Turnbull's and the Baker's. Eli's family has lost their land to the Bakers, bit by bit. All he wanted was to get it back. His dad spent his life bitter and unsuccessful in getting the land back. His legacy was passed to Eli to accomplish his father's wish. The attempts were making Eli bitter and hateful. It made him into someone he didn't want to be.

Victoria was crapped on by her dad, then her husband, her boyfriend and finally by Eli. Eli's betrayal gave Victoria the push/courage to discover and live her dream. Victoria only wanted to accomplish something on her own, to mean something to someone besides the unconditional love of her son.

I started out thinking Eli was a real jackhat. There was an evolution in many of the characters including Eli and Victoria. Eli went from jackhat to hero, swooping in to save the day. I went from sympathizing with Victoria to wishing she would get her head out if her petunia. I burned to read CAN'T HURRY LOVE, finish it, to find out what was next. I would have stayed up all night and skipped work if I didn't need a job to maintain a roof over my head. My gut was in knots at pivotal points. CAN'T HURRY LOVE is a solid Contemporary Romance with hot, sexy cowboy and a frumpy socialite turned sex fiend and deviant.

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Cover Reveal/FanFic/Chapter One

These are being posted wwwaaayyy late.  My kids got out of school Wednesday and I have been adjusting to the new timeline.  There have been three really awesome news bits that have been posted from three of my favorite authors this week.  Chloe Neill has revealed the cover to House Rules, the 7th book in the Chicagoland Vampires series.  Kim Harrison posted a bit of her own Rachel Morgan/The Hollows FanFiction on her blog. Last, but certainly not least is Ilona Andrew's has posted the first chapter of Kate Daniels book 6!!! SQUEE!!!

The HOUSE RULES cover is following a similar design to the last four books. A tough looking Merit with her katana.  HOUSE RULES is due out February 2013.  Chicagoland Vampires has a large fan base and Chloe Neill is a New York Times Best Selling author. 

The Rachel Morgan piece was a nice bonus. I've read it, trying to decide if it offers any insight to future installments. I wish there was more Kisten and more Trent, but I guess I am just going to have to hold out until Ever After is released January 22, 2013. Sigh.

I know I've said it before, but I love Ilona Andrews (Ilona and Gordon).  They recently issued a bribe, promising the first Chapter to Kate Daniels Book 6, if Kate Daniels wins the Alpha Showdown.  Needless to say, with or without the bribe, Kate would have won.  They paid up as promised and boy did they tease us. Ergh. I wouldn't take it back though.  Loved the tidbit we got.

Review: Nightshifted

Nightshifted by Cassie Alexander

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There isn't anything like a great book. Great books don't usually take me as long as it took me to read NIGHTSHIFTED. It had nothing to do with the book. As this was a holiday weekend and the kid's last day of school was last Wednesday, I've been busy. I am not a nurse. I am a social worker. I find that my medical knowledge is greater than the average non-medical professional. That being said, NIGHTSHIFTED provided a window into the world of a nurse who works in a hospital. My favorite memory of NIGHTSHIFTED was when Edie was sneaking onto the internet. I could totally envision a nurse really doing that. I loved NIGHTSHIFTED so much, I cannot even provide a synopsis. It is a struggle for me to write reviews on books I love. There were so many great things happening. Cassie Alexander hit a home run in the Urban Fantasy genre. Cassie Alexander is now on my auto-buy list with just this one debut novel. The preview we get of MOONSHIFTED promises us a second book as good as the first.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

ARC Review: Blue-Blooded Vamp

Blue-Blooded Vamp
Blue-Blooded Vamp by Jaye Wells

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

This ARC was given to me by Orbit in exchange for an honest review. BLUE-BLOODED VAMP is the fifth and final book in the Sabina Kane series written by Jaye Wells.

Sabina Kane, former assassin for the vampire race, is out for vengeance. Sabina, her demon Giguhl, her boyfriend, Adam and a Recreant mage, Erron, go to Italy to find Abel. Abel is the only person --- er, uhm, mage who may know how to truly defeat Cain --- father of all vampires --- before he is able to kidnap Lilith from Irkalla to reign evil upon earth. Sabina has also been charged by Asclepius, a god she owes two favors, to find a vampire named Nyx and kill her. In addition to the issues already expressed, Sabina must also find how to stop Cain without killing him. For Cain has a spell cast on him that whoever kills him will be killed as well as six others who are closest to them. Shortly after reaching Italy, Sabina is knocked for a loop once she discovers a well kept secret.

***MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*** I read the first four books in the Sabina Kane series back in December. Although the books were interesting as a whole (I gave them all 3 stars), there was something missing. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I still can't. As with BLUE-BLOODED VAMP, the writing was solid, the imagery was present, but they didn't have that "Ohemgee! I have to stay up all night and finish this" quality. I liked Sabina. I liked that she is flawed. I liked watching her mature and develop into a pretty well rounded... Magepire (Giguhl's favorite nomenclature for Sabina). BLUE-BLOODED VAMP was a little on the slow side for the first half of the book. It took me a few days to get into it, but once I hit about 50%, I had to force myself to put it down to get some sleep (evil day job). The last half was action packed and I spent a lot of time with Sabina on an emotional roller coaster. I think I cried the last 30% of the book. I was glad everyone around was in bed asleep. The tear streaked face was not attractive. I struggled with how to rate BLUE-BLOODED VAMP, so I ruminated on it for a few days. It wasn't amazing, it wasn't great, but it was better than good; hence, the 3.5 rating. Maybe even 3.75. I may come back later and change it.

Again, the Sabina Kane series is a good solid Urban Fantasy series, you wouldn't be wasting your money on the purchase. Also, it is a completed series with a good story arc. I look forward to seeing future books from Jaye Wells.

Blue-Blooded Vamp

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Adventures in Weedeating

My wonderful neighbor mows our yard on a routine basis. Our only responsibility is to weedeat around the bushes that surround 2 sides of our house.  I've been eying the verdant grass and brambling weeds as they began to envelop the unruly hedges.  From my description it is easily discerned that I do not bear a green thumb, fingers, toes or any other body part.  I've been feeling rather industrious lately and have been attempting unfamiliar contrivances.

I have never operated a weedeater as my dad never allowed my sisters or me to assist in any of the yard work --- no matter how often we begged.  In adulthood, I've always lived in apartments, or now my husband usually weedeats. Periodically. When he feels like it.  In his defense, he now works 10 to 12 hour days, 5 days a week and usually vegetates on his days off from his place of employment. 

The idea began to formulate early yesterday morning that I would hack, er, uhm, trim the overgrown grass and weeds.  I knew I had seen a weedeater in the garage at some point in our residence.  I've watched my husband enough times to determine it couldn't be difficult. I knew I would have to know how to start it, but from there it would be veritably effortless to wave the end around the verdured grass. Throughout the day I would scheme, then discard an idea.  Ultimately I decided it would be best to ask my neighbor for his assistance.

Once I arrived home, I was ready to go.  My neighbor wasn't home. Plan B then, google. When in doubt, google.  I searched for instructions, to no avail. Just when I was about to give up, a friend of my husband's --- I'll call him Horace --- texted me asking to come by the house and pick up something left for him by my husband. Jack pot. Here was my chance. Our conversation by text went like this:

Me:  When you come by to get it, can you show me how to use a weedeater?
Horace:  Seriously?
Me:  Seriously.
Horace: Lmbo (censored for the youngins'), uh sure. Are you home?
Me:  Yes. I'll be the one in the drive with the weedeater.
Horace:  Ok. Be there in a bit.
Me:  *Snoopy Dance*

As foretold, I was the one waiting in the drive with the weedeater.  His first reaction, wow. This is an old one.  My heart plummeted.  Oh no. Does Horace not know how to start "old ones"?  Horace's second question, "Where is the fuel?"  Fuel? Isn't there some in there?  Horace sighed, loudly --- not necessary.  He checked the tank, "There may be enough."  Whew, tragedy averted.  I do not like to be disappointed.  finally he asks, "are you planning on wearing shorts?"  "Well, yeah.  It's hot out."  This time he shook his head and chuckled (probably more of a giggle, but giggle doesn't sound very manly).  I promptly went back into the house and put on jeans, sneakers and safety glasses. He demonstrated how to "prime" it, then pull the... pully thing until it started.  Once it began to run, I was off.  I was so excited I didn't even tell Horace goodbye.  I hope my enthusiasm was enough of a thanks.

Fortunately, I nearly completed the task about the same time the weedeater ran out of fuel.  I was proud that I had all of my fingers and toes. And eye balls.  I stood back to view the results. Spectacular.  Spectacularly crooked and slipshod. Oh well, in a few days, no one will be able to tell.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Recap of May 2012 New Releases To Date

The Serpent's Shadow (Kane Chronicles, #3)
Release Date: May 1
He's b-a-a-ack! Despite their best efforts, Carter and Sade Kane can’t seem to keep Apophis, the chaos snake, down. Now Apophis is threatening to plunge the world into eternal darkness, and the Kanes ...more

Friday, May 11, 2012

Diana Rowland Announces Series News


Diana Rowland, former police officer and morgue tech, current author, has just announced today on her twitter account that Daw Books of Penguin Group is buying 4 more books in the Kara Gillian series (for a total of 9 books) as well as 3 more White Trash Zombie books (for a total of 5 books so far.)

Read below for more information on both series:

Kara Gillian
1. Mark of the Demon (2009)
2. Blood of the Demon (2010)
3. Secrets of the Demon (2011)
4. Sins of the Demon (2012)

White Trash Zombie
1. My Life as A White Trash Zombie (2011)
2. Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues (2012)

Diana Rowland